We are Vancouver and Southern BC’s Mini Split Experts!
We are British Columbias Mini Split Ductless Heat Pump Experts.
Unlike other Heating and Air Conditioning companies, we specialize in Mini Split systems and have sold and installed numerous systems throughout Southern BC including the Okanagan, Kootneys and Lower Mainland. We have taken training specifically for properly installing Mini-Split heat pump systems and we have the experience to ensure that the system is properly designed and laid out for your home.
What our customers are saying…
“We are VERY pleased with the system. I was also pleasantly surprised by how little fuss there was in its installation”
Philip – Maple Ridge
Call For more Information and to get a quote
Southern BC Call 250 442 7273
Lower Mainland Call 604 700 8588
What makes Mini-Splits systems superior? Check out the video below to learn why..
Recent Projects

Are Mini-Splits still effective at extremely low Temperatures?
Watch the video below to see The Daikin Cold weather test in New Brunswick…
Watch the next video for even more information on Daikin Mini Split systems